Sickness Absence & Wellbeing
Family friendly
Discipline & Grievance
This checklist is a useful summary of the steps involved in determining whether or not TUPE applies to a particular transaction.
Due diligence checklist for use in a TUPE situation
Suggested procedure for TUPE information and consultation process where there is no trade union or pre-existing employee representatives.
Form for use by employees when objecting to the transfer of their employment under TUPE
Letter to Transferor requesting employee liability information.
Template employee consultation constitution document
Changes to the 2006 TUPE Regulations apply to all TUPE transfers occurring on 31 January 2014 onwards.
For use by Transferor or Transferee: This template needs to be tailored to the particular circumstances which apply.
Confidentiality Statement for Employee Representatives
Template letter for the Transferor to use when sending employee liability information to the transferee